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Why Grey?


Out of the mud we grow

to choreograph a deeply rooted existence

which can reveal the exquisite beauty of our nature,

a flower to blossom into all its magnificence,

such as the LOTUS.

As such is the metaphor for humanities potential, our innate nature.


I've had a decade or so long love affair with the colour #grey in design & clothing ever since the late, great #KarlLagerfeld's sublime design for model Astrid Munoz's wedding dress.​

LOTUS GREY is my love letter to our Planet Earth

and to Humanity to compel a more beautiful & integrated vision

of How & What We could become,

a finer, greater version of ourselves.

To infuse grace & elegance, to finesse

this complex undertaking, moving us into a balanced harmony with our Earth.

At LOTUS GREY we echo the philosophy of the great Maestro of the #Renaissance:

Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication. ~ #LeonardoDaVinci

It is my intent for LOTUS GREY to make a meaningful & elegant contribution

in sustaining the viability of our Beautiful Planet.

By​​ streamlining ​what in my eyes represents the best in

#design IQ available on the international market.

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