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Purpose and function, #SustainableDesign is terraforming the world with every click, and thought, innovation and production. At LOTUS GREY, we embody the sustainable future now, our purpose is to illuminate the leading edge of sustainable design for consumers with informed, ethical choices responding to the needs of our time.

Long term perspectives inherently create sustainable systems. In the arc of our planetary existence we find ourselves at the intersection of survival and evolution. Every choice gives momentum in either direction. #CarbonNeutrality is a choice in the direction for a sustainable future, by restoring and conserving the natural beauty of our Earth and by ceasing harmful habits. With cooperation rather than competition do we establish biological integrity and cohesion. With qualitative, principled, environmentally friendly methods, producing ethical choices for conscious consumers rather than harmful, unconscious mass production and consumption.

At LOTUS GREY we want to challenge the way we live at the micro and macro levels as we support innovators to design our way out of obsolescence with stylish innovation. Sustainable values mirror ethical values and Universal principles and as such these need to be represented in our supply chains. We are trending #Sustainability into practice while advocating for the wisdom and innovations of alternative generated energy systems. Science and creativity usher in a sustainable reality for the way we are meant to live on this beautiful Earth. While engaged in ethical processes, the methods utilized will inevitably appeal to aspects of humanities better nature, strengthening cohesion which may after all reveal a long sought after pathway towards peaceful coexistence. The synergy between benevolent #science, #design and #beauty is not only an act of innovative evolution, it is #Peace.

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